Pexeer is a complete peer-to-peer exchange platform developed with Laravel. It is the best choice to buy or sell any crypto coin that works via coin payment. There is no need for any personal node, it will connect with a coin payment merchant account. Our system is 100% secure and dynamic. It supports all cryptocurrency wallets including Coin Payment, Deposit, Withdrawal, Referral system, and whatever you need. The most attractive feature of this platform is trading. In the trading system, you can make offers to other users, you can buy or sell coins according to your preferences of coin price rate, you will need to fund escrow where your money will be absolutely safe. You can also check your transaction status. Besides that, a refund system is also available if you want. Additionally, it supports multi-language.
Key Features
Admin Side
- Fully responsive and dynamic
- Easy to signup & signin
- Email verification
- Forgot password
- Profile management
- Password setup
- Security management
- Complete user management
- Multiple coin using coin payment
- Coin management
- Payment Method
- Buy / Sell offer management
- Trading management
- Dispute management
- Broadcast Email
- Deposit management
- Withdrawal management
- User id verification
- Manage referral system
- Admin settings
- Coin Payment setting
- Sms setting using twillo
- Fees setting
- FAQ Management
- Landing Setting
- Manage Subscriber
- Mange Newsletter
User Side:
- Fully Responsive and Dynamic
- Easy to Signup & Signin
- Profile Management
- Notification
- Support multi language
- Multi coin system
- Pear to pear buy sell
- Supper easy and secure trading process
- Location wise trading
- Chatting with buyer or seller
- Secure escrow system
- Dispute system
- Nice Wallet management
- Generate wallet address using coin payment
- Coin deposit system
- Coin withdrawal system
- Deposit Chart
- Withdrawal Chart
- Google Auth Setup
- Phone Verification
- KYC System
- Password Setup
- Security Management
- An user can send coin to both internal and external address
- Use Google authentication
- Use Two factor authentication for login
- Three level Referral System
Pre Requisites For Server:
- VPS Linux Server without Cpanel.
- Minimum RAM 2GB.
- Minimum Space 40GB.
- PHP 7.2+.
- Database (Preferred MYSQL 5.7+).
- Apache 2.4/Nginx Server.
- Process Control System (Preferred Supervisord).
- PHP Dependency Manager (Preferred Composer).
- Redis Server For Queue Management.
- Coinpayment merchant account
- Please check our demo and Pre Requisites before making your purchase.
Setup Supervisor:
- Create 2 new supervisord config with the following configuration.
- Horizon Supervisor Config.
- [program:pexeer].
- process_name=%(program_name)s.
- command=php /var/www/html/pexeer/artisan horizon.
- autostart=true.
- autorestart=true.
- user=root.
- redirect_stderr=true.
- stdout_logfile=/var/log/pexeer-horizon.log.
- After these configurations run following command.
- servervisorctl reread.
- servervisorctl update.
- servervisorctl start all.
- php artisan clear:all.
- php artisan horizon terminate.
What will you get?
- pexeer Main file
- Database
- Documentation
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