
Nft MarketPlace Script | Clone of Opensea – BitScript

(1 customer review)


We are introducing NFT Marketplace– a Nft marketplace app that represents an intangible digital asset, built with crisp features and functionalities and the owners of the NFTs are recorded using Blockchain– the most secure database.


Front End :

Back End :

Username :

Password : 123456



We are introducing NFT Marketplace– a Nft marketplace app that represents an intangible digital asset, built with crisp features and functionalities and the owners of the NFTs are recorded using Blockchain– the most secure database.

The NFT Marketplace provides the users with a digital wallet, where they can buy, sell and deposit cryptocurrencies like Ethereum for NFT. While providing full-proof security, in NFT Marketplace, one can create collections from Nft marketplace script, and Blockchain will be recording all the collections using ERC721 contracts and they get their own symbol and contract address. After being minted in their own Ethereum network, each collection gets its own token ID. The item ownership can be only claimed through direct purchase or an auction in the NFT Marketplace. In the Ethereum wallet, the current item owner’s information has been recorded. The users have the provision to set their commission value for the curated collections, and if any item is purchased under collection, then the original owner of the collection will automatically get the royalty. The users can track their activities and transactions, and can also view the items list– segregated by collections, categories and by price. The users can view and manage their profile and their collected items, items they created and browse their favourite items, along with viewing recommendations on new offers and the activity of the list of items present in their profile. So, enhance your trading experience with NFT Marketplace.

Nft Marketplace Features :

Nft :

NFT is a crypto asset representing an intangible digital item such as an image, video or in-game item.. The Owners of NFTs are recorded in blockchain. It allows an NFT to be traded as a stand-in for the digital asset it represents.

Wallet :

The platform provides a way for the users to get connected with their own metamask wallet that can be used to send and deposit ethereum for NFT. The Gas fees will be taken from the user’s wallet and the royalties will be automatically deposited to the corresponding user’s wallet. Royalties Users can set their commission value for their collections. For the items purchased under collection the corresponding royalty amount will be automatically transferred to the respective item’s owner.

Royalties :

Users can set their commission value for their collections. For the items purchased under collection the corresponding royalty amount will be automatically transferred to the respective item’s owner.

Activity :

Users can see the transfer history by item. collection and users. Activity has the transaction hash, that user can verify it in blockchain explorer.

Collections :

Users can create a collection and the created collection will be recorded in blockchain using ERC721 contracts. Each collection is unique; it has its own symbol and contract address.

Marketplace ;

Users can see the items list by categories, collection and by price. Users can search item by name and description from marketplace page. In Marketplace we have option to filter items.

items :

Users can create items under the collection and created items will be recorded in blockchain using ERC721 contracts. Each Item has its own token Id once after minted from the ethereum network.

Profile :

User can manage their own profile to view collected item, created item, favourite item from profile. Also they can see the new offers and activity for the items from their profile.

Pricing and Auction :

Items ownership has been changed through direct purchase or by auction. Current item owner information has been recorded in ethereum by the wallet address


Front End :

Back End :

Username :

Password : 123456


System Requirement:

  • VPS Operating system : Linux
  • Docker
  • Web3 cli
  • Nodejs : 12.x +
  • MongoDB : 4.x +
  • Angular : 11.x +
  • SSH root access for installation purpose

1 review for Nft MarketPlace Script | Clone of Opensea – BitScript

  1. Doger

    Has all types of coins. good one

    • bitscript_6orlrw

      Thanks for the review. If you have any questions regarding installation feel free to contact us

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